Need a different item for a fundraiser? Good for schools, booster clubs, community events, fundraising campaigns and more. Custom shaped pendants, medallions or charms on ball chain necklace with full color domed imprint. And no die charges. Single side pendant 1″ sq pendant, item PBN-1 are 100 at 2.36 ea, 250 at 1.82 ea, 500 at 1.54 ea, 1000 at 1.31 ea. 2500+ 1.07 ea. Double side pendant PBN-1DS 100 2.82 ea, 250 at 2.21 ea, 500 at 1.87 ea, 1000 at 1.60 ea, 2500 or more 1.40 ea.Ask us for pricing on larger size pendants.
Order today! 877.351.2627
Want a fun fundraiser for your school or group. Show spirit with undereye tattoos. Printed on removable medical grade adhesive tape. Use a black ground or leave clear. Price is based on number of imprint colors. 2 imprint colors with black background min 1000 are 80 cents ea, 2000 are 47 cents ea, 3000 are 36 cents ea. No set up. Not recommended for sensitive skin. Ask us about 2 color imprint pricing. Item 2471.
Printed in 5″ x 2″ strip. Up to 5 imprint colors. Prices shown above for 3 imprint colors. Item 2471.
Order today! 877-351-2627
Looking for a way to make money for your school, sport or activity? World’s largest stocking is a proven fundraiser. Available in 8 ft standard at 165.00 ea or 8 ft deluxe at 198.00, each comes with 1000 entry forms and raffle box. Some schools give each student 5 tickets to sell at 1.00 ea, when more students participate, more money can be made. Other uses are canned food drive incentive. Get an entry for each canned food donation. Good as part of a craft fair or holiday concert. Hold a drawing for the winning ticket and the winner gets a giant stocking filled with toys and games with target age 4-10 yrs. Order early to get the most out of your fundraiser. Shipping is add’l. Order by Dec 6 for holiday season.
Schools, businesses, clubs, giant 8 ft stocking filled with toys and gifts great fundraiser or in store traffic incentive. Order early DX-1000 or XS1000
Order yours today! 877-351-2627
These car magnets are a great way to promote your company, brand, or organization. Great for booster clubs, school and community fundraisers and more.With full color, full bleed included, and NO set up charges. .30 mil magnet fabric. Super sale at 79 cents, min 500 magnets is effective until July 25, 2016. And free shipping if ordered by July 1, 2016. Item MCARM6. Can’t use 500? Price for 100 is 1.22 ea + shipping and 250 is 1.15 ea + shipping. After July 25, 2016 regular prices will resume.
Car Magnet Full color no set up. 6 inch round Item MCARM6
Order today. 877-351-2627
Looking for a fun fundraiser for your school, community or organization? Custom hitch covers made of durable ABS plastic are available in 23 spirit shapes. These hitches fit most 2″ receivers. These are made in the USA and some of the shapes are available in popular sports colors. Imprint area varies depending on shape of hitch cover. Minimum is 25 pieces at 6.25 ea, 50 at 5.25 ea, 100 at 4.25 ea, 250 at 3.99 ea and 500 at 3.49 ea. $40 set up. Sample show is product HC301 Arched Hitch Cover.
Hitch cover with school or organization logo makes good fundraiser. Item HC301
Order today! 877-351-2627
Looking for a fun idea to raise money for your school or activity? The MittScarf is a great embroidered mitten scarf, 100% Polyester fleece. It measures 7 1/2″ x 70″. 8″ pockets and is available in 6 colors- black, gray, navy, red, royal or royal with brigh gold. With your logo on one or both of the pockets, these will be a great gift for students, faculty and community supporters. No set-up or tape/digitizing cost on orders. Great for outdoor events, schools and more. Minimum is 50 at 7.48 ea, 100 at 7.42 ea, 200 at 6.48 ea, 300 at 6.34 ea, 500 at 6.22 ea, 1000 at 5.92 ea. 2 location logo 1.50 additional. Item number is mittscarf-300.
Mitten scarf fleece combo with logo on one or two locations Mittscarf-300
Order now! 877-351-2627